(Pssst – not if we can help it!)
They say you’re not really a business until you have a brochure – and guess what? We have one. In real, tangible, printed form. That’s right, no more explaining who we are with wild hand gestures and back-of-a-napkin sketches – we can now whip out an actual, professional-looking brochure and dramatically present it with a flourish.
And the best part? I have photographic proof of this momentous occasion! Yes, here is a photo of me, holding up the spangly brochure, looking like a proud parent at a graduation ceremony. 🎓📖
Well, aside from the fact that printed paper automatically makes things more legit, it’s a real milestone. It’s a physical representation of everything Life Is Too Short Limited stands for—helping people plan, protect, and actually enjoy life instead of getting tangled in the ‘what-ifs.’
Plus, let’s be honest, nothing says “we mean business” like a spangly, professional brochure you can dramatically slide across a table. Or fan yourself with. Or use to prove a point in a business meeting by tapping it against your palm. 🤭
Now that we’ve reached peak business legitimacy, it’s time to share these brochures with the people. So if you see one of us waving one around like a winning lottery ticket, grab us and ask us to show you!
Fancy a peek at our official business brochure? You could, of course, wait till you happen to see one of us OR in a much more timely manner, you could download the digital version right here via this link.
If you think, pah! I don't need to see a brochure to know these gals mean business – Let’s chat! 🚀📖 You can book a call for a chat on our website home page here: https://life-is-too-short.co.uk/
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